Thursday, September 16, 2010

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Ahhh...Finally I have found the time to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender. I have finished watching it an hour ago and gosh, it was just as same as the review written in The Star few months ago. Disappointing. And it was only Book 1! Initially I thought the movie was a combination of all four books,and I thought "Hmm...maybe if they split it into four parts it'll be a more enjoyable watch. But as it neared the end, I just realised that it's just Book 1! 


Even if the graphics were any better (mine was pirated version), it still sucks. Everything's just drop dead serious. Sokka isn't the trying-to-be-serious-but-fails-and-looks-funny one, Aang isn't even funny and childish,blah blah. It doesn't quite stick to the original story, and the main characters were Westerners instead of Asian. 

Oh, there's one funny thing that my Dad just concluded from the adaptation, that the Fire Nation is in India, Earth Nation in Japan and Water Nation in North Pole. About the Air Nomads, well, we can't really be sure, because there only one left. 

Duh, it's just an opinion.Overall, I still like the anime version. =)

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