Saturday, September 25, 2010

Move Along, Determined.

I've just did the most stupid thing in my life. Wasting an hour's time to check on some girl's wall comments. Not to say that I'm a busybody, but it's urgent. If I haven't done that, I'll still be stuck in the sad memories forever. I'm not joking, because I'm the type who can't really forget easily, well, some particular stuff, of course.

Luckily, yes, luckily, I found it. Finally, I am able to find the reason and courage to get over it and move on with my life. I've been dreading for this day to come, like for the past couple of months. Fortunately, this is another girl from KL, not the last one. Though to me he's a bastard, I still give him my best wishes. After all, he is still my friend, if he still thinks so. Up to him lah.

Now, it's me and my studies. I wonder how will I be able to study so much stuffs?


Lord has opened a new world for me, and I will appreciate the opportunity given. What is meant to be mine will be, and what is not will not be, not even by force. I choose to follow Him, and I will listen to His words, and I believe He who is my Father will give me the best. I thank Him for giving me such good friends, and for giving me such a good lesson. Amen.

"Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. He has the right time for everything. He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does. So I realised that all we can do is to be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive."
Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 11-12

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Ahhh...Finally I have found the time to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender. I have finished watching it an hour ago and gosh, it was just as same as the review written in The Star few months ago. Disappointing. And it was only Book 1! Initially I thought the movie was a combination of all four books,and I thought "Hmm...maybe if they split it into four parts it'll be a more enjoyable watch. But as it neared the end, I just realised that it's just Book 1! 


Even if the graphics were any better (mine was pirated version), it still sucks. Everything's just drop dead serious. Sokka isn't the trying-to-be-serious-but-fails-and-looks-funny one, Aang isn't even funny and childish,blah blah. It doesn't quite stick to the original story, and the main characters were Westerners instead of Asian. 

Oh, there's one funny thing that my Dad just concluded from the adaptation, that the Fire Nation is in India, Earth Nation in Japan and Water Nation in North Pole. About the Air Nomads, well, we can't really be sure, because there only one left. 

Duh, it's just an opinion.Overall, I still like the anime version. =)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm a total failure.

What am I trying to do? Or rather, what have I done?

Here am I, trying to act as if it's just a small matter, trying to be the middle person, trying to give advices, trying to mend things up, trying to...

Yet it all boils down to nothingness, nothingness but sadness and misunderstandings.

What's the point anyway?

For what I try so hard? For what? I just want everything to be peaceful! I wanted to preserve our friendship! I don't wan't any misunderstandings to occur among us, that's why I wrote all those things, yet you never understand. You thought that I'm blaming you, you thought that I don't understand you, but do you understand me? Do you?

A few years back, when I have encountered any problems, the old me would have just shut everything up in my heart and say nothing. But now I am more open towards you, trying to share whatever crosses my mind with you, even if it's just some lame jokes that no one will laugh at or even stupid little problems. All this because I wanted to understand you more, and you to understand me, yet now you're saying that I don't understand you. It hurts, really hurts. It was like a bazillion of blades struck deep down into my heart, all at once. It's even worse than when I felt that he doesn't understands me.

I've already lost the guy that I loved so much, and I don't want to lose my best friend. Him, I can afford to lose, but my friends? No, I seriously can't.

If you still think that I've blamed you, if you still think that I misunderstand you, then all I can say is "Fine, then." After all, I've tried...